Tag Archives | language

What you say and what they hear may not be the same thing

I’ve noticed for quite some time how my children often repeat what they hear in a movie or television show but what they say isn’t an exactly copy.

For example, in the Cars movie, one character says “What? did I forget to wipe my mud flaps?” to which Cameron immediately parrots “I think I wipe my butt wraps”.

Another instance is in a Mario Brothers game where Mario cries “help’a me!” and Cameron laughs and says “trampoline!”

There are many many examples I could give. This has been a common thing for him all of his speaking life but I never saw much point in blogging about until a mom on Twitter (@Calormom) commented that her son never answered the question “How was school today?”

Unfortunately, I don’t talk to very many parents that get an answer to the school question. Not very many children with Autism ever answer it.

This mom said that she had asked a teacher from the school and the teacher said that it’s likely that her son doesn’t understand her, or the question or just doesn’t want to answer.

This got her thinking and rather sad that her son doesn’t understand her. Understandable… I felt the same when Cameron would never tell me about his day too.


Did he say what he heard?

Keeping in mind his strange inability to say what he had just heard from the television, I got to wondering what he might be hearing when I am talking to him. If I talk at regular speed about mud flaps… is he hearing “butt wraps” ??

Here is what I did when I realized that he wasn’t properly interpreting what it was that I was saying.

  1. Consciously slow down your talking.
    In the day and age of instant messaging, texting and so forth, we have even begun to talk faster without realizing it. Many of us really aren’t that good at it either. We slur things together, we abbreviate words we shouldn’t and we mumble stuff out more often than we realize.
  2. This brings me to speaking more clearly.
    I’ve had a few family members tell me how “funny” or “strange” I sound sometimes… which is sad because I’m sounding the way that an English speaking person is supposed to sound. However, our language has become so perverted these days, in the words we use and the way we say them, that people look at you strange for speaking properly and clearly.
    So be it, let them laugh… your child will understand you better… that is what is important.
  3. Try rephrasing the question.
    Children only have a limited vocabulary as it is, so don’t expect them to understand every word you say… and certainly combinations of words might throw them off as well even if they know what the words mean individually. If you ask what they did in class, but they only know of the place they go to as school… they might not have an answer for you.
  4. Talking about school, use words/phrases that the school uses.
    My son’s class has story time, but they don’t call it story time. They call it circle time. If I ask him what they did for story time, he will have no idea what I’m talking about. If he’s feeling confident, he may tell me that he didn’t have story time… even though he did have circle time.. but most likely, especially having Autism, that confidence will not be there and he’ll just have no answer for me at all.
  5. Emotions are an easier memory to recall than facts.
    My son has come a long way so now he can recall facts much better than when we first started but consider this… he can tell me every detail about what happened in a story or movie at school, but can’t tell me what the title was or who was in it.
    The reason he can do that is that he’s mostly recalling his emotions… how exciting the story was, how sad it was, how happy he felt… and those emotions have trapped the story within them.
    When Cameron first began talking, I would ask what story his teacher read, or what movie he saw and be met with a blank look..  he didn’t feel comfortable telling me that he didn’t know. However, if I asked if they had a good story for circle time, he’d answer yes or no. From there, I could prod for more information because I had him talking.
  6. Like all things, start slow.
    “How was your day?” is far too broad and confusing. Start with something like “did you do numbers today?” or “did you eat your lunch?”
    Yes or No questions are a great place to start and as I said, use words/phrases the child already knows. The less confused they are, the more likely they’ll talk. In time they’ll become accustomed to the questions and the type of information that you’re looking for. That’s when your child will start to catch on that “how was your day?” is just another way of asking all of those questions at once… but they have to work their way up to that point.

Don’t be discouraged if your child doesn’t understand you… they haven’t understood you for their entire lives, but they’re learning. This is no different. Also, it happens with all children, just maybe not to the same extent as a child with Autism.

You just have to keep all of these things in your mind, remember not to get frustrated when you don’t get an answer and to understand what may be going through your child’s mind.

Your child loves you and does want to tell you… they just need a little help from you.

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Sometimes I Think That Autistics Have It Right

When you boil down “Autism” to it’s core, by most definitions, it’s a lack of ability to communicate and socialize, usually derived by an inability to understand or “get” people. People with Autism have a hard time figuring out what it is that people mean by the things they say, they have a hard time knowing when a person wants to speak up or just listen or what their tone means.

For the most part, we as a society think they’re the ones with the problem, they can’t figure out what we do… but when I think about society and all the greed, two faced, double talking, innuendo, plays on words and so on and so forth, maybe they’re confused for a very good reason.

When I stop and think about it, when I really sit down and think about what people around me are saying, very little of it makes any real sense. If my brain wasn’t working over time to understand the context, the slang, the double meanings and the hidden messages… it would all seem very bizarre to me.

We, as a people, have messed up our languages in so many ways, over using sarcasm and irony to a fault, throwing in double meanings into everything to sound witty or smart….  actually, when I think about it, perhaps all men have a touch of Autism because let’s face it, not one of us understands the ‘hints’ and ‘signs’ from women.

It gets worse… I have approximately 20 teenagers in my facebook friends list including family, babysitters and so forth and not one of them can spell very well, not one of them understands grammar at all and not one of them cares. Those teenagers will grow up to be adults that will speak very differently from how I speak. Do you think what they speak will be easier or more difficult for an Autistic person to understand?

What I’m trying to say is, maybe it’s not those with Autism that have the problem. Maybe it’s us. We’ve perverted our language so much that half of the time, we don’t even understand what it is we’re trying to say anymore. If the internet is any indication, we’re losing our basic skills and replacing them with faster, more convenient, lack of skills! How many times have you seen someone use ‘loose’ instead of ‘lose’? Or ‘there’ instead of ‘their’? There’s a million examples and it’s only getting worse.

If you know someone with Autism and they have a hard time understanding you, maybe it’s not them… maybe it’s you. Slow down, think clearly about the message you’re conveying. Chances are, if you think about it, it’s not the message you actually are telling.

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