In this video, I discuss our perceptions and assumptions of people that either can not speak or speak in a way that seems younger or less intelligent than we might think they should.
In this video, I discuss our perceptions and assumptions of people that either can not speak or speak in a way that seems younger or less intelligent than we might think they should.
My children love Minecraft. It’s a “sandbox” kind of game, meaning that what you do in it is entirely up to you. You can build, adventure, fight… what ever! As I always do, to better relate and help my boys, I started playing it myself. I do this with all games that they play. I feel it’s important.
Lately, I started recording myself playing Minecraft as I was requested to show what I was working on and to create tutorials on how to make some things.
So I decided that I am going to make an effort to combine Minecraft with what I do in the autism community and that is… share.
In this video, I head out from my base and just start walking. All the while, I talk about who I am, what I do and most importantly, why.
Autism is sometimes referred to as “The Invisible Disability” because it can be difficult to spot, especially if you are unaware of the characteristics that define autism.
If you saw a group of kids standing in a group, could you pick the one that is autistic? What about if they were walking around the halls at school? How about if they were running and playing a game or a sport?
Chances are, if you know autism well, you know that it’s usually far easier to spot an autistic when they are exerting themselves physically, like running and playing.
I can’t help but feel so very bad for Cameron when I see him run, his arms flailing about, his tongue sticking out, his legs all wobbly… he really has very little control over his own body. He sure does try hard though! I think that’s why he’s that much more disappointed when others are faster than him.
Today, while out for a walk in the woods, we put our two boys off on a race. Tyler, who is 4.5 years old and Cameron, who is just about to turn 7.
Normally, you’d expect a 7 year old to beat a 4 year old in a foot race but in this case, neither my wife nor myself were surprised when Tyler was able to get to the finish line first.
And it’s not that we’re disappointed. We’re not. All we ask is that they try. If they give it their best, we’re happy. But Cameron doesn’t see it that way.
To him, he doesn’t understand why he’s not as fast. He doesn’t understand what it is that’s making him slower. He just thinks he’s stupid. He just thinks he’s “the worst kid ever.”
It really hurts because I don’t know how to help with that. I mean, yes, you tell him to keep trying and that practice will help him to get better and faster.
But what kid believes that when they feel completely defeated?
Perhaps it’s best if I just show you. This is the video of my boys having a race from their mother, to me and back again.
I do believe though, that this is not a life sentence. Autism itself is but like all other characteristics, like all strengths and weaknesses, this can be worked on, improved and even perfected.
Given time, dedication and persistence, Cameron can become a great runner. He can even become the fastest, if he worked hard enough at it.
But as I said before, all I would ever ask of him is that he try. And that is what I want most for him. For both of my boys.
To try.
So no, it’s not an invisible disability. At least, not for every person that has autism. Sometimes it is very much visible and makes for a very large hurdle.
My boy gets down on himself because of this. He doesn’t understand. But I do. It’s not invisible to me.
As with any nice day when Tyler Gregory has no “gig” to perform at, he went to his favorite spot on the street to perform for the crowds that were coming and going that day.
However, what was quite rare was a most unlikely connection that he was able to make with a young man named Jacob. Eight years old, blind and autistic, this child was deeply attracted to Tyler’s music and began dancing… and inching his way ever closer and closer to the source of the music.
At one point, you could see Tyler nod to Jacob’s mom to indicate that it was alright… and then… their connection became much more than just dance. Jacob, first touching the guitar, and then Tyler’s leg… almost bringing Tyler to tears as he continued playing on.
Before you watch the video below, here is a small part of what Tyler wrote on his blog (you can read it all yourself here):
unlike most kids that come up to me with curiosity, I felt so much energy coming off of him and I was completely overwhelmed. His hand on my leg was very powerful and about brought me to tears while playing. Not because he is blind or autistic.. but because of a connection I have never felt and one that is impossible to explain. Honestly, a feeling that came from my toes all the way up my body and surrounded me. I can’t begin to explain it. I want to try to put it into words, but there is no way to tell how powerful his energy felt.
It was a powerful moment that made my day and reminded me of the good things in life. Reminded me why I love different interactions with people when playing music. Reminded me of how powerful music can be between two people. It also reminded me not to take things for granted, for most of us have it pretty easy in our everyday life. So, I just simply went home with a very big smile on my face that day, and a story to tell my close ones.
After my last video, some people asked for a video from a child’s point of view. I thought about it from the point of view of Cameron’s brother and what he might say… this is the result.
I hope you like it:
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